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Witch Hunt 1649

Witch Hunt 1649

Dr Martha McGill

Research and logistics coordinator
Lead design, The Dregs of Days
Artwork support

Abigail Rylance

Graphic design
Lead artwork

Emmay Deville

Lead design, Lying Lips

Luke Messom

Design support, Lying Lips
Logistics support

Sophie Watson

Research support
Logistics support

Bhavika Virji

Research support
Logistics support

Dr Rebecca Stone

Logistics coordinator



At the University of Warwick:
Lord Rootes Fund
Arts Impact Fund
Undergraduate Research Support Scheme
Warwick Institute of Engagement

Dr Martha McGill’s research is funded by the British Academy.

Logistical support

Pierre Botcherby
Prof. Frank Klaassen

Historical advisors

Prof. Julian Goodare
Dr Michelle D. Brock
Dr Ciaran Jones
Dr Chris Langley
Dr Alasdair Raffe
Dr Louise Yeoman

ram (2)


Dr Matthew Crosby
Miles Akamune & friends
Alexander Hill
Dr Alexandre Johnston
Prof. Frank Klaassen
Prof. David Lambert & family
Dr Clare Loughlin
Dr Felicity Loughlin
Rachael McGill
Chloe Peters
Boris Power
Dr Ben Rogers
Paul Smith & family
Jethro Soutar & family